Gamers Unscripted Episode 39: Doing it in The Dark Zone

The Gamers Unscripted crew are joined this week by podcaster/mommy/social media guru Marcia of The Mommy Gamers and Rob of The Married Geeks.

Fresh off a weekend of playing The Division Open Beta, there is a hefty amount of talk about the Dark Zone here on Episode 39 of the Gamers Unscripted podcast. Other games discussed are Unravel, Dying Light, Far Cry Primal, and more Dark Zone talk. With five opinionated podcasters on one show, the hour really does fly by. If you enjoy gaming talk mixed with inappropriate references to the Dark Zone, then this is a podcast not to miss.

The Gamers Unscripted (this week) are:

@Jaxboxchick (The Mommy Gamers)
@CapnMikeM (Gamers In Beta/The40 Cast)
@ruiner2 (Dads Getting Grounded)
@Xiantayne (The OMG! Hour/Primetime)
@SuperLobster06 (The Married Geeks)

Gamers Unscripted are on iTunes.

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