The Next Dragon Age Game Will Be a “Live” Experience

Dragon Age Inquisition, Bioware

Bioware General Manager Casey Hudson has said that the next Dragon Age game will be “live,” which according to Hudson means, “designing a game for continued storytelling after the main story.”

In a tweet made early this morning, Hudson not only said the game will be “live,” but also focused on character and story.

Casey Hudson, Twitter

In an article published by Eurogamer last year, Bioware writer Alexis Kennedy let slip that a new Dragon Age game was in the works.

“There are huge differences between all of that and what I’m working on at BioWare,” Kennedy told Eurogamer before pausing to say, “ “which I can now legitimately say is in the Dragon Age franchise although it has been known for a while.”

“Notionally it was a secret but, because of who I was working with, everyone who cared knew,” Kennedy continued. “And then the day I started, Mark Darrah [executive producer of the Dragon Age franchise] tweeted saying ‘welcome to the Dragon Age franchise’, so I thought, well, I guess that’s official now then.”

Bioware had no further comment on said new Dragon Age game at the time.

Executive Producer Mark Darrah continued the newly reinvigorated conversation around the franchise after tweeting that the teams behind Anthem and Dragon Age are hard at work and that he’s excited to share more in the future.

Bioware is well-known and for the most part, highly praised, in regards to their games and their focus on single-player open-world storytelling–specifically Mass Effect and Dragon Age. With Hudson’s tweet about how the next game in the franchise will be “live,” fans are left to wonder if he’s referring to the developer’s post-game story DLC, like we’ve seen in past Dragon Age’s, or if the game is shifting tonally to resemble something more akin to Destiny or Bioware’s upcoming title, Anthem.

For now, we’ll just have to wait and see.


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