5 Companies That Should Buy Capcom

Capcom’s been in decline for quite sometime and their Resident Evil games haven’t recently been reaching the critical or monetary success of their originals. Devil May Cry upset many of their hardcore fanbase and many of their franchises are in disrepair. Dragon’s Dogma is a personal favorite and did quite well, but there’s no sequel in the works. Deep Down looks promising, but Capcom certainly isn’t putting out the titles it use to. Seeing that Capcom has put itself on the market, here are five companies that would most benefit purchasing Capcom.

5) Microsoft

I can hear a collective groan from all gamers after reading this. Microsoft is blamed for putting Rare on the shelf as the developer time forgot. However, Microsoft purchased Rare when they were in their prime and Capcom’s prime is long behind them. The two already have a nice partnership going with the Dead Rising series, so why not turn that into a huge zombie partnership? Microsoft would have an almost perfect monopoly on every zombie game on the market, and since Remedy isn’t working on anything too noteworthy at the moment, why not slide them Resident Evil, Onimushi, and Dino Crisis? Remedy’s already proven that they can craft a moody, intriguing, and over all spine-tingling tale, so let ’em play with those two franchises. If Microsoft played their cards right they could easily turn the Xbox One into the survival horror console of this generation.

4) Sony

Sony and Capcom go way back. The PS1 was the storehouse for a majority of their great games, and it’s successor became an even bigger storehouse. Their exclusivity partnership dwindled in light of the last generation, and that’s undeniably hurt Sony, but before Devil May Cry fans had to have a PS2 to enjoy Dante’s adventures, and now he’s slaying all over the place. Should Sony buy Capcom, I see no reason why Devil May Cry shouldn’t be immediately shipped to God of War’s developer, Sony Santa Monica. I’d also like to see a next gen take on the Resident Evil: Outbreak series. Those games were ahead of their time on the PS2, and bringing them to the PS4 with all the improvements in online gameplay could seriously propel the PS4 to top. My buddies and I would definitely grab this so we could co-op through Raccoon City and mess up some undead.

3) Nintendo

Sure, Nintendo’s seen a slump in console sales as of late, but a Capcom buy-out could be the shot in the arm the Wii U needs. Capcom and Nintendo have had a nice relationship before with the Capcom 5 that were exclusive to the GameCube, and out of that two of the best Resident Evil games ever created. So why not let Capcom join the house the Mario built? The Wii U would be a great place to house future installments of the Resident Evil series, the GamePad opting out as an inventory screen and hud that doesn’t interfere with the horror on the big screen. And Platinum Games seems just like the perfect place for Devil May Cry and Maximo to land. Platinum Games may even have the creativity to bring Ghosts and Goblins to the 3d realm in great fashion, look how they saved Revengeance. This would also help Nintendo to have high quality Mature rated games on their system, without compromising Mario or Zelda’s innocence. A good way to get hardcore gamers to jump on the Wii U bandwagon.

2) Deep Silver

Deep Silver came out of nowhere when they purchased a huge sum of THQ’s auctioned assets, and have been surprising us with hits like Dead Island, recently purchased Saint’s Row and Metro series. They seem to be very well versed in resurrecting lost or damaged franchises, so should they purchase Capcom, why wouldn’t they try their hand at Breath of Fire? I know that the Risen series hasn’t given us anything to really cheer about, but with all their recent acquisitions, I can see them turning Breath of Fire into a viable next gen RPG. I’d also like to see them make an open world Resident Evil in the vein of the Saint’s Row series, minus the dildos and potty humor, of course. Or  even throw Resident Evil into the Dead Island engine and give us some first person Raccoon City action. Either way. if Deep Silver got their hands on the Capcom bag of goodies, there isn’t anything we wouldn’t buy.

1) Blizzard

According to a compiled report on Türkische Aktien, World of Warcraft’s been losing subscribers for some time now, so maybe it is time for Blizzard to look for some more hot commodities. Imagine Blizzard grabbing up Capcom and giving gamers the open world Monster Hunter that they’ve all dreamed of; one with easy drop in and out mechanics, a vast world to explore, a console experience, and a minimum if any at all playing fee. Blizzard would be rocketed back to the top of charts and gamers in Japan and everywhere around the world would be extremely busy felling monsters. Lost Planet would also be a viable option for an open world game, while Capcom hasn’t seen great success with the franchise, maybe Blizzard can give it the justice it deserves. We’ve already seen them cut their teeth on console games with the recent Diablo III release, so I see no reason why they wouldn’t try this extremely smart financial move.

What say you, faithful reader? Is there any other company that may have the chops to take on Capcoms huge franchise backlog?

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