5 Games To Take If You’re Stuck On a Deserted Island

Tom Hanks had it rough when he was stuck on that deserted island, all he had to entertain himself was survial, and of course Wilson. Should I ever be in that situation I hope to have been smart enough to bring some consoles and games with me, particularly, these five games. I know I’m going to have a lot of free time on my hands, so I have to pick games that have the most time to sink into.


5) Dragon Age: Inquisition

Pretty much any Dragon Age game could fill this spot, Origins and the sequel were both hefty games in their own right. Inquisition is the one that I am the least into. I’ve maybe played this game for an hour, haven’t even left the Hinterlands yet, so I know I have a sizable chunk left to occupy my stranded mind.

This is one of those games that I can an event game, one that would take months to complete with my busy work schedule, not so much a busy life schedule. I could conquer this game once, then start a NG+ and romance more vixens, since I’ll be all alone on this island.


4) Borderlands

I remember beating the first Borderlands a few years back, and it took me a nice heft of time. I was on vacation and it took a whole seven days about 5 hours a day of playing. Mind you I didn’t do all the mission or any of the DLC, and I didn’t go through the game as all four of the characters you are allotted at the beginning.

I’m figuring Borderlands 2 or The Handsome Jack Collection is in my carry on luggage since I’m yet to tackle either of those entries into the series. I could spend hours killing psychos in the vastness of space, and kill them with all of the different characters. I doubt the island would have wi-fi, but if it does I could get down with some multi-player and possibly send out an SOS in Gearbox’s shooter.


3) Grand Theft Auto V

When one grows weary of the outside on a deserted island, one would have to find something that would easily quell that weariness. The city life of GTAV sounds like a perfect salve for any inner city inking I may have on this deserted island. The length of the game and the humor would also keep my mind off the day to day survial.

Instead, I’d have to survive gangbangers, and most dangerous of all, Trevor. To this day I am yet to actually complete any Grand Theft Auto due to the fact that I get so distracted while trying to do missions. Instead of going to the objective I’ll see a group of bystanders and mercilessly gun them down, or run straight at them at punch them to watch the physics happen. Maybe while stuck on a deserted island I can actually put a GTA on my beaten list.


2) Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

This is the game that Bethesda touted as a game that can never be beaten. That sounds like a perfect addition to a list of what may possibly be the last games I’d ever get my hands on.

Not only is Skyrim massive in scope with so many things to do, it is programmed to give out quests forever, making the game impossible to complete. Sure I could beat the main quest, win the war, be a thief, but once all that runs out I’ll still have quests to do thanks to the uselessness of the citizens of Whiterun.

1) Dragon’s Dogma

This is the only game that I’ve ever played that I started a NG+ immediately after beating it the first time. This game, while underrated, was so amazing to me, it’s one of the very few games that made me lose complete track of my day off. I remember I started playing at eleven or so, then realized suddenly it was time to get supper.

I’ve continued my NG+ recently and I get scared when I fire the game up. There is so much to do, so many little nuances that I missed in my first go around that I know I may lose entire games to this masterpiece once again. While I wouldn’t mind diving headfirst back into this game I can’t really afford to lose days off to it. However if I’m stuck on island I’ll have many days to give this game.

That rounds out my list, what games would you bring should you ever be trapped in a deserted island, or some other solitary place where magically the electricity works?

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