5 Newish Games To Play While Drinking Surge

With Surge slowly making its way across the continental United States, gamers everywhere will get a chance to feel how gamers of the early 00’s felt. An earlier article that I wrote went over what retro games I’m going to play when I get my hands on the delicious beverage; these are five newer games I can’t wait to play with Surge by my side.


5) The Souls Games

(Bloodborne, Sony Computer Entertainment)

From Softwares’s games have an insane difficulty curve; I just recently bested my 3rd Souls game and have started Bloodborne back up again. I can say that I would have liked a Surge can to crush in aggravation as I tried to beat Gravelord Nito, or as I attempted my run in Anor Londo. I know that I would need the caffeine for the late nights of fighting electric werewolves in the Nightmare Frontier, or the constantly spawning enemies in The Unseen Village. I know that I need to “Git Gud” in Bloodborne so that my Hunter quits dying over and over, and I think the soothing effects of Surge may save me a few anger fits and rage quits.

4) Grand Theft Auto V

(Grand Theft Auto V, Rockstar Games)

Grand Theft Auto V was one of those rare games that I went to the midnight release for. I was so excited to get my hands on the newest release that I stood outside of a Gamestop in a strip mall in the dead of the night. After the game was in my hands I rushed home, popped it into my PS3, and waited for the game to install. By the time it was done installing it was already 2am and being the responsible adult I am, I went to bed because I had to work in the morning. If I had some Surge that night, I may have been able to run around Los Santos causing mayhem and havoc. Instead, I slept and had to suffer through work before I could meet Trevor and company.

3) Metal Gear Solid V

(Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, Konami)

Kojima’s latest opus is massive; I swear I’ve put in over ten hours into Metal Gear Solid V and I’ve still only completed 15%, so I have a long way to go. Seeing that I have quite a lot of game left, I wouldn’t mind a nice six pack of Surge next to me to quench my thirst as I crawl through the desert of Afghanistan — which looks insanely realistic, and when the dust storms overtake me I can’t help but feel a bit parched. Plus, seeing poor Snake crawl through the dust and dirt makes me wonder if he too would like a few Surges to throw back while petting DD. I’m pretty sure that Quiet would like something to drink as she listens to cassette tapes in her cell. Surge would definitely help me through the long haul this game plans on taking me through. Hopefully it gets to the West Coast before I free Afghanistan from its Russian oppressors.

2) Rock Band/Guitar Hero Games

(Green Day: Rock Band, MTV Games)

Even before the sudden resurrection of music games I had been tinkering with older Rock Band and Guitar Hero games, hunting down the ones I couldn’t afford five years ago and enjoying my time with them. I wouldn’t have minded cases of Surge when my buddies and I had Guitar Hero parties or when I was waiting for a gig to load. The cold can would even help as my hand gets cramped after playing longer songs — darn old age and arthritis. With their resurgence in the market, Rock Band parties might become a thing again. I couldn’t think of a better beverage to keep players up all night jamming out to some great tunes.

1) Destiny

(Destiny, Activision)

Destiny has changed some of the norms when it comes to MMOs and online gaming. To say that Destiny singlehandedly destroyed couch co-op would be a lie, but it did throw a lot of dirt onto its coffin. Don’t get me wrong; I loved couch co-op when I was younger, but as I grew up and friends moved around the country, I realized that couch co-op would be much more difficult. In comes Destiny, to unite me and all of my friends together to save the world from darkness. Surge would have been extremely useful during our first Vault of Glass attempt. I believe we started the attempted at 8pm, and I didn’t get up from my chair until 1am. I stood tired, sore, and thirsty. Now I wonder; if I had Surge by my side, would I have been able to stay in my chair and finish that raid?


Those are my top 5 games to enjoy with Surge. What are yours, should you ever get a chance to buy the product? Let us know in the comments!

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