7 Reasons WordPress Is An Excellent Choice For Students

wordpress great for students

With two decades of experience, WordPress has won thousands of publishers and bloggers. It’s not surprising since this particular management system has so many perks. It is free to download, has a user-friendly design, and allows you to build websites. As a student with aspirations in blogging or starting a small business, you can use this software to the fullest. How to do it? This article will answer your question. Read more useful information here!

Reason #1: Best Free Place For Blogging

WordPress started as a blogging platform. WordPress is an ideal digital space to practice your writing skills, read more. Whether it is creative writing or research paper writing, you’d make your English 101 teacher happy.

Reason #2: WordPress is Free (or Extremely Cheap When It’s Not)

WordPress is a software one can download and use for free. In fact, companies like website development Brisbane use it to create interactive websites. The content management system is open-source and under constant change. This means anyone can contribute to the source yet make it a better tool. The majority of plugins and themes are free to use too.

Despite numerous free features, WordPress is not the last unicorn in the capitalist machine. Such companies like Automattic Inc. have added features that should be paid for, like plugins and themes with greater quality and support. You may also be interested in an article about smart speakers, read more.

Another feature users are supposed to pay for is website hosting. However, cheap reseller hosting plans start from the $3 benchmark. Anyone can afford $3 cost per month, right?

Reason #3: Start Your Own Business and Career

Selling things with WordPress has never been easier. Yes, you’ll have to pay for a better theme and a powerful plugin. But in the end, you invest in your professional growth. For instance, you love writing. With WordPress, you can create a website to display your services yet attract potential clients in a tech-savvy manner. Additionally, partnering with SEO experts like Roseville SEO Company can further enhance your online presence and help you reach a wider audience, boosting your business success.

In some way, WordPress reminds you of LinkedIn. One of the best software for students, WordPress gives you an amazing opportunity to build a portfolio before you even start your career. Once an employer sees your beautifully crafted design projects or texts, they can propose you a job.

Reason #4: A Safe Place to Practice Professional Skills

Some users mistakenly think that WordPress is only for blogging. Yes, the majority use it for blogs, but in reality, WordPress suggests so many other options.

From business websites to eCommerce and membership sites, WordPress is a godsend to everyone.

Business and Ecommerce Websites

As has been mentioned earlier, you can sell goods or services with WordPress. By doing so, you can earn some money as a student and practice your business skills. Who knows, maybe you are Steve Jobs in the making. Check out these WooCommerce design ideas that will inspire you.

Forums and Chat Rooms

A great way to combat your shyness and adopt a few communication skills. Once you join WordPress forums and chat rooms, you can learn new things and participate in debates. At the same time, you will improve your written communication skills. Or even make new friends among other like-minded users.


This is a place to improve your design skills if you are in love with photography or graphic design. Because WordPress galleries are a great place to introduce the public to your artworks or design projects. But, keep in mind that WordPress galleries are good for beginners or entry-level job seekers. The gallery grid is minimalistic and does not include all the amazing features which the industry pros are so used to.

Reason #5: Ridiculously Easy Website Management

You no longer need to be afraid of those complex terms like ‘SEO functionality’ or ‘backup.’ Because managing WordPress sites is as simple as it sounds.

The things you need to check to ensure your website runs smoothly are:

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Reason #6: Enjoyable WordPress Themes

A WordPress theme is a designed layout of the website’s graphic elements. In short, a theme is the way your site looks to other users. During a website building process, a user is supposed to choose a theme and install it for proper website functionality.

Yes, premium WordPress themes demand payment. But most of the WordPress themes are free. With an amount of 6000+ themes, finding a perfect WordPress blog theme for your website is possible.

Each theme serves different purposes. For instance, Soledad themes are great for online magazines. While Morning Time Lite themes are an ideal option for journalists.

In the end, you should choose WordPress themes because they are:

Reason #7: Total Ownership

But what really makes WordPress authentics among a pile of other website builders like WIX and Squarespace? The WordPress creators have high ethical standards, the main of which is ownership. While using other website-building platforms, you technically rent a digital space. Once you stop paying your monthly ‘rent’ to the company, you’d lose your files. Meanwhile, you fully own a website with WordPress and can transfer your files to other hosts.

Final Thoughts

WordPress is an amazing digital opportunity for modern students. One can practice their professional skills, build a portfolio, and earn money. What is more important, using WordPress is never boring. The technical aspect is easy to understand while designing your website is joyful. Whether you’d love to monetize your blogging skills or start a new business, try WordPress for free and build a website with a bright future.

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