7 Tips for Choosing a Great Gamertag

Creating a distinct and memorable gamertag is a great way to stand out from the pack, while showing the gaming world that you are a serious gamer and expressing some personality at the same time. However, coming up with the perfect gamertag can be challenging, especially at the early stages of your gaming career. If you are having a hard time creating a gamertag, follow these tips to get your creative juices flowing.

1. Know the Game Naming Rules

If you are creating a gamertag for a specific game, you will want to consider the genre and other players, but it is also important to look into the game’s naming rules. Here are some factors to consider:

2. Use a Gamertag Generator

You can utilize a great name generator like the dnd name generator if creativity is eluding you. You can decide to go with one of their suggestions, but you can also manipulate one of their suggestions to your liking.

3. Use a Creative and Personal Gamertag

You can find inspiration in names that have a meaning to you. You can begin by listing names that have a personal meaning to you, including:

You can then use an online dictionary to try alliteration, or find adverbs and adjectives that can be paired with one of these names. You may also combine a few of these words to create a unique gamertag that would fit your personal brand.

4. Futureproof Your Gamertag

When creating a gamertag, it is crucial to come up with one that you can also use as your channel name in the event you want to start a YouTube channel or stream via Twitch in the future. This can act as your brand name, and you can easily create content around it. Don’t back yourself into a corner that will limit the potential of your brand.

5. Be a Little Mysterious

Being a little mysterious is a great way to come up with a unique gamertag. Look for phrases and words that are rarely used. The gaming community will be attracted to the mystery surrounding your gamertag, especially if you are a great gamer.

6. Choose a Scary Name

If a mysterious gamertag is not really your thing, you can choose a terrifying name that will instill fear in your opponents. While the reaction may be positive or negative, it will still leave a memorable impression. However, you should be careful not to use abusive language.

7. Check Name Availability Across Platforms

When creating your gamertag, you want one that has not already been taken and that you can use across multiple platforms. You may have come up with a great gamertag, but if somebody is already using it on Facebook or YouTube, it can limit your brand potential.


In the world of gaming, your gamertag is probably the most personal form of expression, and it should be unique and memorable. Follow these tips to create a great gamertag.

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