Ace Attorney Anime Episode 8 Review

(Ace Attorney Anime, A-1 Pictures)

(Ace Attorney Anime, A-1 Pictures)

This review contains spoilers for  Ace Attorney: Turnabout Goodbyes 1st Trial

Capcom’s Ace Attorney franchise was given an anime series to coincide with the plot of the handheld games. The storyline follows the games exactly and not many liberties have been taken by the studio, A-1 Pictures. This is good for fans who are worried about the official canon, sticking to the original story-line makes things simple. However, this is a missed chance to dive into the beloved characters’ personalities more than the games and give followers a chance to see the story blossom into more depth. The writers and director should still get plenty of credit for being so faithful to the much-loved franchise.

Phoenix works as a defense attorney in an alternate world close to this one. He has won three cases so far and is feeling confident in his courtroom skills. With help from his former mentor’s little sister Maya, Phoenix is working towards a bright future of defending the innocent. After a successful case has closed for Phoenix and Maya, they have barely any time to rest before a new case opens in front of their eyes. In the eighth episode of the anime Turnabout Goodbyes 1st Trial, Miles Edgeworth is accused of murdering the prosecutor in his father’s murder trial. Robert Hammond was the man responsible for proving the innocence of the suspected murder of Gregory Edgeworth.

(Ace Attorney Anime, A-1 Pictures)

As we dive deeper into the series, more memories of the past are exposed and surfaced. Flashbacks, memories and feelings will shape this story arc into one that is relatable. Everyone in their life has been embarrassed or accused of something. Having that sickening feeling in your stomach returns while witnessing Phoenix’s flashback. Being taunted by classmates and having a teacher who does not believe you is a nightmare that haunts Phoenix. He was accused of stealing in primary school and was taunted by his classmates. This alludes to Phoenix’s reasoning for always wanting to defend those who he believes to be innocent.

In spite of how Miles has treated his rivals as professionals, Phoenix and Maya are very willing to prove Miles’ innocence. They both believe he couldn’t have murdered someone and want him to be released. Seeing Miles close his eyes and firmly tell them that they must not involve themselves in this particular case is enough. Right after this statement, which happens early on in the episode, information begins to pile up quickly. What really should have taken two and a half episodes is crammed into just one.

(Ace Attorney Anime, A-1 Pictures)

With emotions running rampant, so are the character introductions. Manfred Von Karma, Misty Fey, and Lotta Hart. It’s almost too difficult to grasp all of the revealing information that is practically thrown at the audience through the screen. The story is probably sped up to give enough time for the evidence discoveries and the trial scenes in future episodes. Despite the severe speed-up of the narrative’s pace, Turnabout Goodbyes is starting off on an emotionally-invested note. The rest of the episodes for this story-arc will no doubt provide further insight into the complex history of these two old friends.

You can follow along and watch Ace Attorney through Crunchyroll. Let us know your own opinions of Turnabout Goodbyes 1st Trial in the comment section below!

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