Big Patch Released For Action-MMORPG Otherland

The MMORPG Otherland that is based on the books written by Tad Williams has gotten a huge update. Not only does this patch include some fixes to the game but it also contains a whole lot of new quests and a new region called The Wood Isle.

I personally first heard about the Otherland books when playing bingo with some friends and while this patch does not allow you to play bingo games at Gonebingo, it does contain the following additions and fixes to the game alongside the already mentioned Wood Isle continent:

– Level cap has been increased to level 55.
– Targeting: The heavy and special charge display (on the crosshair) has been improved.
– Targeting dead NPCs/players is now possible.
– Clan bank now also allows to store SOMA.
– Certain walls in the ClanLand have been corrected and players should no longer get stuck or fall through them.
– SOMA gathering should work correctly on all maps now.
– Node communication on the servers have been improved and should positively impact overall server stability.
– Teleporting to the Halloween event zones has been disabled.
– Fixed an issue in Respawning which should make respawning a lot more reliable.
– Additional fixes to the “Make character list” issue have been implemented.
– The quest resetting issue is still under investigation, but we applied some smaller fixes which should make the issue appear less often.

Otherland is available as a Steam Early Access title for anyone who wants to give it a try, and is 50% off until December 1.

Source: Drago Entertainment (press release and Steam news announcement)

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