Although many curse the company of simply releasing the same game year after year and attack the games as being nothing but a cash in, today Activision Blizzard made a point of saying that it doesn’t all just go into their back pocket. The developer has just donated $2 million to its Call of Duty Endowment Charity which is a non-profit organization that helps soldiers find jobs after they have completed their military service, a worthwhile charity indeed.
As well as this, Activision Publishing has announced that it has raised $1.7 million for the Endowment through the sale of limited edition dog tags which were made available to consumers throughout the last holiday season for $5 at more than 12,000 stores across the United States.
The charity, established in 2009 has helped more than one thousand veterans find jobs to date.
Bobby Kotick, CEO of Activision said in a statement:
“We are committed to our veterans. They put their lives on the line for our freedom and security. They all have unique experiences, skills, and capabilities that should be highly desirable to any employer.”
[Source: Gamespot]