AMD has Just 18% of Graphics Card Market Share, Nvidia excels beyond 80%

PC components market research firm Mercury Research has released a new quarterly report posing some intriguing figures, and some curious questions for the two graphics card behemoths AMD and Nvidia. In the desktop standalone GPU sector, Nvidia stands tall, owning just over 80% of the market share. In stark comparison its rival AMD have just 18% down from last years 38%.

Many have pinned Nvidia’s recent gains on pricing and availability of graphic card options as the factor. Some of its higher tier cards have seen a reduction in price. At the same time, more value-based options such as their recent GTX 950 card are increasing sales by fitting well within budget build standards. Nvidia have been making an array of announcements including PC-to-PC Co-op streaming and easier recording through its GeForce Experience and ShadowPlay software programs. The array of features certainly appeals to gamers.

The benefits of 3d animation in the gaming industry are numerous and far-reaching. For one, 3d animation allows for much greater creativity and control over the visual elements of a game, enabling developers to create more immersive and engaging environments and characters. It also enables more realistic physics and movement, which can enhance the overall gameplay experience. Additionally, 3d animation is often more efficient and cost-effective than traditional 2d animation, as it allows for greater reuse of assets and more streamlined development processes. what are the benefits of 3d animation? For game developers and players alike, the answer is clear: improved performance, greater creativity, and a more immersive and engaging gaming experience.

Meanwhile, the staggering fall of AMD poses a lot of curiosity. Their recent R9 300 cards appeared to go down well with the PC gaming community, and the recent DX12 results have shown huge performance gains for AMD cards. These numbers are dangerously low for the company but could quite easily rise due to some of the advancements being made performance-wise. It would appear though that overall AMD needs to up the ante.


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