An Interview with Mangaka Dataro

Manga creators, or Mangakas, are a highly integral part of the anime and manga medium. So many of our favorite anime have been adapted from manga, and each manga has a brilliant and highly talented mind behind it. BagoGames had the pleasure of interviewing one of these brilliant minds who goes by the name of Dataro, a talented artist and the creator of several serialized works such as Osaka Chuto Real, Devil’s Favorite, and most recently, Hokuou Futari Gurashi. In this interview, we discuss their creative process, opinions on the manga industry, and more.

Could you tell us a bit about yourself?

My pen name is Dataro. I am a Japanese mangaka..

What inspired you to become a mangaka?

I have loved manga and anime since I was a child and dreamed of becoming a mangaka.

How do you get inspiration to make manga?

 I get inspiration from manga, movies and watching vlogs from different countries on YouTube.

How did you get inspiration for your manga Osaka Chuto Real, a manga that focusses on the culture, customs, and local gourmet of Osaka? Did you have many past experiences in Osaka that helped you when creating the manga ?

Everything from my time living in Osaka helped me create Osaka Chuto Real. The differences I noticed after moving from Osaka to Tokyo also helped me draw it. I think it is important in life to realize that there are differences in everything.

Was it hard mixing the fantasy and romance elements in your manga Devil’s Favorite? How did you manga to do it?

The concept of a devil kidnapping a princess and fighting a hero is an old one. But I thought it would be more interesting if the reason the demon kidnapped the princess was to learn from her how to make the hero fall in love with the devil. If all the devil’s evil deeds, which are often done in the game world, were to get the hero to love her, wouldn’t she seem very single-minded and cute?

Do you ever feel any pressure on yourself or from your readers to create quality content constantly?

I always think about whether I can create something interesting for myself rather than pressure from readers. If I don’t enjoy myself first, I don’t think readers will enjoy it either.

Do you have any opinions or comments on manga artists being constantly overworked?

I think it is a problem. Basically, in Japan, manga artists are often in a freelance and not in a position to work for a company and be protected. I think the lack of such formality has the advantage that anyone can draw freely. However, I think it is also necessary to create a system prevents people from working too hard.

Do you have any thoughts or opinions on the rising popularity of manga and anime in the west and do you think this will influence or inspire Japanese creators more?

The rising popularity of manga and anime in the west is a very nice. On the other hand, if more works from the West become popular in Japan, and if we can influence each other more, this scene will become even more enjoyable. My friends recommend foreign works to me, so I try to watch and read them as much as possible. I enjoy works from various countries and hope to make use of them in my own manga creation.

Do you have any plans to make manga content to the western audience or make your manga available officially in the west?

 I have no plans to do so at this time, but I would like to be able to publish if I could. I’ll ask my editorial team for help lol.

What qualities do you think a person needs to be a good mangaka?

I think it’s about having your own beliefs. But I’m not a good cartoonist because my beliefs always waver lol.

I noticed you make a lot of art on Twitter based on several based western media like Arcane do you have more titles you like from the west?

As you said, I love Arcane and was very impressed with the characters and the beautiful images. I also like Adventure Time and She-Ra and the Princesses of Power. I also like games like Life is Strange, Tomb Raider and 7Days To Die.

Do you have any general advice for up-and-coming manga artists?

I would rather get advice from someone else lol. Let’s see… I think it is good to pursue what you love to the fullest, and it is also good to go to school or work at a company , even though it may seem boring at the time. Manga is a wonderful content that allows you to express your life and hobbies as they are.

Do you have any message for your western audience?

Thank you for your interest in my manga and illustrations across the sea. I will study English and other languages more and try my best to send my works all over the world.

Do you have any upcoming or current projects you’re willing to share or anything you’d like to promote?

I’m currently working on a manga series “Hokuou Futari Gurashi” in a magazine called Young Animal. It’s about a Japanese couple who move to Sweden and spend a relaxing life away from the hustle and bustle of the city. I’m not sure if there will be an international version of the comic published at this point, but I hope so. One episode (in Japanese only) is available on Twitter if you would like to see it. I hope you will check my Twitter account for the latest about my manga and other information!


Japanese Translation:










マンガのインスピレーションはどのようにして得ましたか Osaka Chuto Real?大阪の漫画を作るのに役立った過去の経験はたくさんありますか?




魔王ちゃんのお気に入り でファンタジーとロマンスの要素を混ぜるのは難しかったですか?どうやってそれをやったのですか?










欧米でのマンガやアニメの人気の高まりについて、何か考えや意見はありますか? これは日本のクリエイターにもっと影響を与えたり、刺激を与えたりすると思いますか?












おっしゃる通りアーケインは大好きでキャラクターや美しい映像にとても感銘を受けました。他にはアドベンチャータイムやシーラなどが好きです。ライフイズストレンジやトゥームレイダーや7Days To Dieなどのゲームも好きです。






欧米の聴衆へのメッセージはありますか ?





You can follow Dataro and their works on their Japanese and English Twitter accounts.

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