Analogue Nt: Redesigned NES Pre-Orders Avaliable

The Analogue Nt console, from Analogue Interactive, is capable of playing 1st generation Nintendo Entertainment System cartridges and Famicom games. It is also capable of working with NES accessories like the Zapper yet still works with the iconic NES controllers.

Remember plugging in your old systems into a new HDTV only to see the beautiful game’s image distorted? Well its no longer a problem because the Analogue Nt is able to keep the original visuals and translate it to your modern-day television set.

The catch is it will cost a hefty $500 USD. A price that may leave it to be purchased by only die hard NES and retro fans. That being said, Analogue Interactive is accepting pre-orders for the console as of now. For an additional$50 you can have the Analogue Nt’s aluminum changed from silver-toned to red, blue, black or pink! Just think of having a new age NES in pink.

Leave a comment below to let us know if you are pre-ordering the Analogue Nt or if you are thinking of purchasing it in the near future.

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