Animal Crossing: New Leaf Now Sold More Than Three Million In Japan

Keeping note that the figure of three million only accounts for retail units, its impressive to note that Animal Crossing: New Leaf has sold so many units since being made available in Japan earlier this year.

The game, due soon in both North America and Europe, is currently being promoted through YouTube videos and Micro Websites by Nintendo themselves as they hype up the launch in our own countries but it’s great to note that a 3DS game is doing so well in Japan.

As we mentioned previously, it is more than likely that Animal Crossing: New Leaf has sold many, many more copies than three million as the game was difficult to find when it was first released, making the Nintendo eShop an inviting service to try out as gamers paid that little bit extra to make sure they had the game as quickly as possible. Hopefully we will not see a repeat of that here!

Are you looking to pick up Animal Crossing: New Leaf? Let us know, as always, in the comments section below or through our Facebook page!

[Source: Gematsu via Nintendo Life]

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