Assassin’s Creed Creator Patrice Desilets and Ubisoft Part Ways Again

After the burial of THQ, Assassin’s Creed Creator and Game Designer Patriece Desilets and his unannounced title 1666 went to Ubisoft, with the fate of both to be determined. Today, we now know the outcome of the relationship between Desilets and Ubisoft, with one claiming to be fired and the other claiming a departure.

In a statement provided by Ubisoft, the company stated that the discussions had between them and Desilets were ‘inconclusive.’

“The acquisition of THQ Montréal in January allowed Ubisoft to welcome 170 experienced developers, including Patrice Désilets, to our existing and renowned workforce. Unfortunately, since the acquisition, the good faith discussions between Patrice and Ubisoft aimed at aligning Patrice’s and the studio’s visions have been inconclusive. As a result, Patrice has left the studio. Our priorities remain with the teams already hard at work on projects in development. They are at the root of Ubisoft Montréal’s past and future successes.”

However, when speaking to Polygon, Desilets had something else to say that didn’t match up with Ubisoft’s statement.

“Contrary to any statements made earlier today, this morning I was terminated by Ubisoft,” said Desilets. “I was notified of this termination in person, handed a termination notice and was unceremoniously escorted out of the building by two guards without being able to say goodbye to my team or collect my personal belongings. This was not my decision. Ubisoft’s actions are baseless and without merit. I intend to fight Ubisoft vigorously for my rights, for my team and for my game.”

As of right now, the future of 1666, which has still yet to be officially announced, is unknown.

{Sources: IGN, Polygon}

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