Assassin’s Creed III Information Blowout – a new Engine, Camera and More

News has quickly spread that the latest addition to the highly acclaimed Assassin’s Creed franchise will take place during the American Revolution, opening up all kinds of wild theories and speculations about its hero and what will lie in store. Well now further screenshots have been released, proving the theory that the protagonist will be of native origins and will utilise an entirely new arsenal of weapons and tactics while being powered by a new and improved game engine.

Courtesy of Game Informer we now know there will be brand new environments and all-new ways to exploit them to your advantage in your struggles throughout the revolution, as cited by creative director Alex Hutchinson of Ubisoft. We also know that the cinematic presentations will extend beyond combat and will break new ground for the series, stepping into the story department as well. The game will heavily feature the native American Mohawk language, Iroquois, in some scenes.

We have also learned that the development cycle has the longest compared in the series yet, being developed simultaneously alongside the previous two spin off titles for the past three years, according to Ubisoft’s CEO anyway. This potentially means that we’re in store for the biggest, and possibly best, Assassin’s Creed game to date.

The plot focuses on confrontation between Templars and Americans and is not actually surrounding the war itself although it is obviously a very current state of affairs in the game world. The game will feature a new camera which will focus on specifically bringing the action in combat in better view to allow the player to witness the deadly consequences of their actions in full details and the game itself will run on a new and improves version of the Anvil Engine, previously used in earlier titles.

The protagonist this time around will be Connor, although it’s understood his birth name is different, the son of a British colonial soldier and a Native American woman. In lieu of his heritage, his main weapon will be the tomahawk as he sets out on a quest for justice and eventually comes into contact with the order, hinting that the circumstances surrounding his conception are more tragic than romantic. He is said to be a stoic and quiet character, in contrast to the once young and brash Ezio of the earlier instalments..

The game locations will settings as Boston, New York and a larger countryside which is stated to be the main focus point of the action. This countryside will occupy the space between cities and is said to be around one and a half times larger than Rome was in Brotherhood.

Connor will with the Americans, with allies such as George Washington, Benjamin Franklin and Charles Lee. But this doesn’t mean the Americans will necessarily be the good guys as Templar agents have infiltrated both sides of the war and are plotting even in the midst of battle.

For the first time the game will feature seasons, meaning the battlefield may be sunny and warm during the Summer but frozen over during the Winter. What effect this will have on gameplay is of yet unknown but it is easy to imagine the repercussions it may have for an assassin’s mission.

Well I don’t know about you, but October just can’t come quick enough!

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