Assassin’s Creed Rogue Will Sail Onto PC Next Year

Assassin’s Creed goes Rogue this fall, but not without company for Assassin-turned-Templar Shay Patrick Cormac. An Irish assassin  of the Americas, the American Brotherhood leads Shay to follow the path of the Knights Templar, leaving his blood-stained past after a betrayal leads him to slaughter nnocents in his wake.

Joining him is Assassin’s Creed III‘s Haytham Kenway on behalf of the Templar’s English chapter in his reconquest of the British colonies and enact his revenge on his former brothers. Between him and his plans are Adéwále, Edward Kenway’s quartermaster from Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag, and a younger Achilles Davenport, who we know will eventually mentor Connor Kenway’s career in the American Revolution.

Spanning pre-revolution colonial America, Rogue takes place decades before this year’s Assassin’s Creed: Unity and sees Shay sail across the icy seas of the Atlantic via the game’s enhanced naval gameplay and a reimagined Appalachian valley.

Assassin’s Creed: Rogue weights anchor only on Playstation 3 and Xbox 360, or at least for this year alone according to the game’s latest trailer. According to Rogue’s latest story footage, the game’s coming to PC next year. Still no word on a new-gen console release for Playstation 4, Xbox One, or Wii U in the meantime.

Via Kotaku & AssassinsCreed on YouTube

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