Assassin’s Creed Has a Season Pass and a New Assassin

Ubisoft has announced that Assassin’s Creed: Unity will include a season pass that’ll take you to China and back.

The largest DLC edition, Dead Kings, takes assassin Arno Dorian to Saint Denis, a French city outside of Paris following the events Unity. It’s the “darkest story” the Assassin’s Creed series has ever told according to Creative Director Alex Amancio.

The burial place of most of France’s royal bloodline, Saint Denis will include a wealth of puzzles, treasure hunts, murder mysteries, and other assorted missions, outfits, skills, and weapons. The biggest among them is the Guillotine gun, which you can use to fire explosive rounds and chop your enemies in two with its nasty axe head.

A standalone downloadable game, Assassin’s Creed Chronicles: China, will also debut starring a female assassin named Shao Jun and in 16th century China. Jun will still be free running in what amounts to a 2.5D/platformer, combining Assassin leaps of faith and stealth with her own flavor of martial arts.

Check out our gallery of screenshots from the games down below:

According to Ubisoft, Unity‘s season pass content will be out by 2015, and boasts roughly eight hours of new content. Ubisoft claims that those who pre-order the pass will save 30 percent, which will sell for $29.99.

Assassin’s Creed Unity launches for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC this November 11th.

Via The Ubi Blog

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