The Bago Crew’s E3 Wishlist | Games and Stuff

The hallowed gaming convention of E3 is nigh, and all through the Internet, not a gamer stirred, not even us. Well, that’s not exactly true, but needless to day, we’re all on our toes for all things gaming here at Bago Games. (That’s our name, after all) Check out what some of our writers are looking for in the Electronics Entertainment Expo and see if any of your favorites are ones of ours!


Jerry Dobracki:

With E3 looming right around the corner, there is always tons of speculation in the air. What game will steal the show? What game will be a huge surprise? And so on. There are a few sleeper games that I would like to see make a huge presence on the show floor. Like any Team Ico fan I would love to see some footage or progress on The Last Guardian, and possibly a PS4 release date. The retro gamer in me would love to see any news from Sega on Shenume, whether it be an HD release of the older games or the long awaited number 3. The next gen adopter in me cannot wait to see more of Dying Light, Techland is yet to let me down with terrifying jaunts into a zombie apocalypse.

Nate Munson:

Number one on my list is exclusives. I want to know what system will be getting what games. That is going to make me decide which next-gen system I’ll be buying for the time being. I’m one of the few people still sitting on the fence about the console war. Hearing about the announced exclusives will be the tipping point for me and my wallet.

Second, I think I’d like to hear big news from Nintendo. I’m a Zelda franchise fanboy. If getting more and better Zelda games means they become a software only company selling to other consoles. . .I’ll be sad, but I’ll still call it a win for me. If they buckle down and get more third party games for the Wii U, then plan to make a console on par with that of Microsoft and Sony. . . all the better. Regardless, I’d like to hear something promising from them.

Third, as much as I like new games; I think some remakes might be in order. Perhaps a remastering of the Final Fantasy series complete with new cut scenes and voice acting is in order. New players could be wrangled in by old games they never got to play. Old players can relive their favorite moments with all new graphics and extras. Where did I get this wish? Ducktales remastered. I loved the old game and the remastered version was even better. Also, as a comic fan and writer a few IP’s involving comic book characters would be nice. Here’s hoping all my E3 dreams come true and so do those of everyone else.


Tim Gruver:

It’s hard to say what I want from this E3 because I expect so much. If it’s a schoolyard pick of first party exclusives, then I only ask for three simple things: a new Zelda, Uncharted, Halo 5, and more Zelda, that new one we’ve been promised. Wait, was that four things? Like most, I want more games out of my E3 than hardware, and it’s the system sellers that interest me most. I have no doubts that Link, Drake, and Master Chief have a strong hand in making that happen, and I of course won’t mind a tad more character reveals for Smash Bros. Slide in a Naughty Dog made Jak & Daxter for PS4, and you might finally have a deal that’d keep me from jumping ship to Master Chief’s bandwagon. Unless Microsoft announced a Rare-made Conker game. Then, errgh, I don’t know what I’d do.

Then there’s the third parties to look out for. I have high hopes for everything Batman and after such needless teasing, I equally want the Battlefront that EA’s promised me and finally see what’s it’s made of, gameplay and all, along with anything Visceral has up its sleeve in a galaxy far, far away. I also know I won’t be the first (or the last) to demand something out of Final Fantasy XV in the form of a coveted release date, or an update on The Last Guardian just to put my mind at ease. Lastly, there’s Rockstar to consider. Rest assured, if Red Dead 2 does happen, I’ll be unconscious for days. I fully expect this E3 to be the bomb, because honestly, we all need it more than ever.


Corey Atwood:

I’m really hoping that From Software will come clean about “Project Beast” and finally admit that it’s the next Demon Souls title. I’m also dying to see Dice’s Battlefront game in action. Although Rockstar is notorious for snubbing E3 altogether, I’m predicting that GTA V (or at least GTA Online) will be announced for PC, and as a timed exclusive for either Sony or Microsoft. To make up for their lag behind the competition, I am predicting Microsoft will be announcing some new exclusive deals with indies and we should see a sizzle reel for their “Summer of Arcade”.

Although I’m excited to see Sony show off Project Morpheus, I’m more interested in seeing solid dates on when we can get our hands on a functioning version of their streaming service, PlayStation Now. To combat their disastrous slump in sales, I predict Nintendo will be going balls to the wall, showing off a ton of new 1st party titles for both the 3DS and Wii U. Most likely we’ll see the next Zelda title, a new Mario title, and possibly Metroid, Starfox, or F-Zero. I’m fairly certain Valve will be teasing something as well. If we don’t get a teaser for Half-Life 3, we’ll probably see the announcement of the next Left 4 Dead or Portal. Whatever goes down, this E3 is going to be huge and I’m pretty pumped.


Eleni DiCarlo:

I remember watching Nintendo’s E3 presentations on TV with my brother and waiting to hear the news we longed for. Many times, the games we hoped to hear about were presented, while other years lacked. This year I hope for my vision of an incredible story- driven Legend of Zelda game for the Wii U to be announced. With Hyrule Warriors in the works a new Zelda game for the Wii U seems unlikely. But a girl can still dream, right? The Wii U’s graphics and innovative GamePad make playing games even more enjoyable. The library is limited but a new Zelda with the emphasis on the series’ story would be amazing.

Another video game I want to be presented in detail at E3 is Kingdom Hearts III. That series is both frustrating and emotional, equal parts of both make me want to keep experiencing more of the Kingdom Hearts series. It’s been enough time since Dream Drop Distance, for the next game to be given some released gameplay footage of a battle against some heartless. It would be even better if Square Enix announced Kingdom Hearts III to be multi-platform.


My Eyes! Too much Awesome!


What’s got your blood-pumping for this E3? Got some hopes and dreams from the Big Three, or something in mind for PC? Write your thoughts down below! Greatness of all kinds await!


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