BagoCast Ep: 11 – Can Music Make or Break a Game?

Music to our ears... Hopefully.

BagoCast is back with episode 11! In this episode, we will be taking deep dive into video game music. Video game music can absolutely be a wonderful aspect for gamers. Enhancing the atmosphere, story, emotions, characters, and making the gameplay way more enjoyable.

However, that sadly isn’t always the case. There are games out with notoriously bad soundtrack or one particular track that is bad. Maybe the lyrics are garbage, the beat is really off, it’s trying too hard or sounds like a broken radio. Ya, you can mute the TV or game so you can relieve your ears, but if you were to listen to it; would it ruin the experience? A similar question can be asked about bad games, but surprisingly it has really good music. Does the music in a way save the game?

When these questions popped in our head, we looked back at some of our favorite and most hated games that we’ve played. Taking a look back at each game’s soundtrack to see if it makes or breaks it.

Kick back, relax, and grab some popcorn. Enjoy the podcast! Keep in mind, everything said here is our thoughts and feelings. We do not represent the entirety of BagoGames. If you disagree with anything, then please leave it down in the comment section below!

Check out our other content! Including previous podcast episodes and the latest game reviews.


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