Bagocast: Interview with Upper Echelon Gamers – Social Media & Esports

Part 5

Welcome to another episode of Bagocast! This is a special episode because we have special guest joining us, Upper Echelon Gamers! In this episode we discuss with Upper Echelon Gamers about variety of topics. Such as: Game journalist vs content creators, politics in video games, the hacks of Titan Fall and Apex: Legends, and the effects of esports and social media on video games. However, we dive deep into each category, so the episodes are separated into parts.

Esports and social media’s impact on the gaming industry is growing. It seems every game publisher wants a competitive live service game they can bring to Esports. Then having people on social medias rave about it and wanting to create their own teams to compete. Which provides free advertisements for the live service. Sounds dandy, but with this being the gaming industry; there’s bound to be rotten spots. People getting swindle out of their money with fake popular accounts “creating” a team. Young gamers going way over their head and possibly getting into legal trouble and much more.

Kick back, relax, and grab some popcorn. Enjoy the podcast! Keep in mind, everything said here is our thoughts and feelings. We do not represent the entirety of BagoGames. If you disagree with anything, then please leave it down in the comment section below!

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