Batman’s Family Reunion Includes Four Playable Characters

If you ever wondered why Batman always seems to be fighting alone in his stories lately, here’s some good news: in Batman Arkham Knight, he’s not.

As anticipatedArkham Knight’s new trailer is here and so are three of the familiar faces Rocksteady Studios has been teasing us with. Completing the Dark Knight’s playable ensemble cast are Robin (Tim Drake), Catwoman, and Nightwing (Dick Grayson). The twists? They’re all playable in the main-game’s story mode, unlike Arkham City‘s limiting them to DLC and challenge maps.

In what Rocksteady has called the game’s “dual-play” mode, gamers can switch between any one of them in free-flow combat. Check out the trailer below and tell us just how short you think Robin’s buzz cut can get between now and June 23rd.

Batman: Arkham Knight’s coming out only for Playstation 4, Xbox One, and Windows for PC. Who will you be playing the most?


Via BatmanArkham on YouTube

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