Batman’s Out For Blood in Batman V Superman’s New Trailer

Remember that Batman V Superman trailer that director Zack Snyder promised us? Well, the plan was for it to debut next Monday, but thanks to the Internet’s determined bunch of leakers, the trailer’s already been officially released by Warner Bros. Studios ahead of the already numerous leaked versions.

If you were expecting to see a glimpse of a bald Jesse Eisenberg, don’t hold your breath. We do, however, get our first look at Ben Affleck’s suave and under-shaved Bruce Wayne as well as, you guessed it: Batman. And it seems like he’s not keen on making friends with “demons” from the sky, as is our opinionated narrator. That’s probably just natural after the destruction of Man of Steel‘s still smoldering Metropolis by Henry Cavill’s red-and-blue Kryptonian.

Batman V Superman storms out the gate in just less than a year this coming March 25th, 2016, starring Argo‘s Ben Affleck as DC’s Dark Knight, The Tudors‘ Henry Cavill as Clark Kent/Superman, Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman, Amy Adams as Lois Lane, and Jesse Eisenberg as Lex Luthor. Be there or don’t.


Via WarnerBrosPictures on YouTube

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