BDSM: Big Drunk Satanic Massacre

Excess is its saving grace.

BDSM: Big Drunk Satanic Massacre

 BDSM: Big Drunk Satanic Massacre DEALS

The game under review is for mature audiences.


BDSM: Big Drunk Satanic Massacre is a game that prides itself as a satirical action RPG. It is a Big Way Games’ production and it comes across as Doom told from the demonic perspective. Other notable differences about BDSM that differentiate it from Doom is it being a top-down shooter coupled with a free-roaming isometric style. Another noteworthy aspect is how its excessive theme has it pushing boundaries with selectable restrictions.


BDSM, as stated before, comes across as Doom from the demonic perspective which means it will be a humorous and offensive parody. The game’s opening sequence lays the groundwork for BDSM’s major selling point: liberating hell. Liberation is necessary since humans invaded hell three decades ago and brought democracy to hell. However, democracy is more concerned with mega-corporations and fast food. Lou, Satan’s son, has three choices; end up as ground beef, provide his services to one of the numerous local brothels, or lead a revolution that lets one know the true meaning of “give ’em hell.” Lou is meant to take the third option, which leads him through various parts of hell. This causes Lou to come to the knowledge that the invasion of three decades ago was led by Big Wac, the owner of hell’s biggest – and seemingly only – fast-food chain that sources locally. Therefore, Big Wac and any associated with him become Lou’s enemy – the reason for Lou’s revolution to liberate hell.


BDSM: Big Drunk Satanic Massacre - The Life of Lou Story Trailer


BDSM’s story falls short despite its interesting and unique premise. The game fails to deliver the impact of Lou’s progress as he transverses hell; slaughtering denizens of hell turned traitors, remnants of the three-decade-old invasion, and the higher-ups. Although some NPCs and enemies inform the player about the happenings in hell, it is easy to miss for the most part. This means that particular events within the game do not manage to have the impact that they are meant to have, especially the secret boss.


BDSM is a top-down shooter that boasts multi-faceted, fast-paced combat, with limited character skill customization and a range of RPG elements. The game itself takes place in Hell, where the Lou, the game’s protagonist goes about; finding milk, demonesses, (aggressive) unfortunates to give his lead-loads, and more. Also, the game offers four levels consisting of chapters representing different parts of Hell. The significance behind these stages is the slaughter specific bosses, whom each represent a unique multistage fight that presents the player with both intended and unintended challenges.


BDSM despite its excess does have a tutorial. It goes over the basic gameplay mechanics in a unique way that manages to be both interactive and immersive.  However, it fails to be informative enough of the game’s mechanics since particular features are left unmentioned until further into the first stage of the game.

From Nine to Five

BDSM boasts five difficulty options. These range from “Take it easy” to “Hell is mine!” – the game is beatable on the highest difficulty though it is recommended that players prepare themselves for gamer rage. Also, due to its varies difficulty options; BDSM is suitable for any level of gameplay skill and this includes gaming journalists.

Guns, Minimal Magic, and Milk

BDSM affords the player with the choice to choose between six weapons, one magical ability, and milk. First, Lou’s arsenal widens as he progresses through chapters and stages, as he only has his pistol at the beginning of the game; and his weaponry is important for avoiding his insulting death-soundbites. Furthermore, the weapons boast a standard and enhanced firing modes, however; their effectiveness is quite unbalanced. Additionally, this is further emphasized with the little to no use of Lou’s magical abilities despite their usefulness, as his abilities can either be offensive or defensive. Also, he can use these abilities via in-game pickups, however, they are far and few between; which means one has little to no need for it even with the upgrade to use more abilities. Final, the main feature of the game is Lou’s alcoholism. The in-game alcohol increases Lou’s blood alcohol (health) level, which is beneficial for a myriad of reasons.


The Demon’s Rage

Lou has a unique ability aptly called Rage. The in-game display for Lou’s Rage is shown with a bar at the bottom right of the screen. This bar fills every time Lou manages to perform combo kills, collects enemy drops, and quenches his thirst with some milk. Once its filled Lou can use his diablo-esque laser beams and enjoy the temporary invulnerability its provides.

Combos, Cash, and Wizards

BDSM does not outright mention the importance of combos, cash, and wizards. First, Lou can perform combo kills through effectively using his guns and dash to mow through enemies. This leads to enemies dropping cash, Rage-fillers, and ammunition. The first of these drops is important since it allows Lou to purchase upgrades from wizards that he comes across. These wizards act as in-game stores, whereby players can purchase weapon-specific and magical ability upgrades with some additional purchase options. However, these upgrades often fail to prove their value after purchasing them.


Progression System

BDSM offers a myriad of progression methods. These present themselves as mini-sex games, side quests, and actual stage progression that amount to a fairly decent progression system, so is great if you like adult content, while you can also find some great nude live here if you want to. However, the game provides no means of tracking the player’s progress which means the opportunity to improve one of Lou’s several stats often comes as a surprise that is either welcomed or unwelcomed.


Graphics and Audio

BDSM graphically and audially is a unique case. The game is lacking when it comes to former; in terms of graphic quality since it is not sporting much in the realm of visual invention. Although it does have a detailed level design, varied enemy types, well-thought-out animations and designs; this goes unnoticed due to the game’s zoomed out perspective and color-wash. Additionally, the game fairs better audially; as there is attention to detail when it comes to sound effects and the game’ s great albeit generic metal-esque soundtrack.


In conclusion, BDSM: Big Drunk Satanic Massacre is a game with promise hardly fulfilled; meaning its success depends on other aspects within the game. Fortunately, the game’s excessive nature helps to ensure that players get an enjoyable experience out of the BDSM even with its highs and lows. Thus, BDSM is worth purchasing for its reasonable price, especially with its adult-only DLC solely due to its excessiveness.


This review is based on a review copy provided to BagoGames by the game’s publisher

The Review

 BDSM: Big Drunk Satanic Massacre

6 Score

BDSM: Big Drunk Satanic Massacre is a game with promise hardly fulfilled; meaning its success depends on other aspects within the game. Fortunately, the game's excessive nature helps to ensure that players get an enjoyable experience


  • Multi-faceted, fast-paced combat
  • Decent progression system
  • Aggressive enemies and satisfying difficulties
  • Well implemented RPG elements


  • Poorly executed story
  • Unbalanced weapon damage
  • Underused gameplay mechanics
  • Poorly implemented upgrade features
  • Perspective ruins visual experience

Review Breakdown

  • Score 6

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