Bear Simulator Developer Quits After Receiving Bad Feedback

Bear Simulator was initially funded via Kickstarter on April 18th, 2014 and had raised over $100,000 USD. Essentially, it was yet another strange game labeled as a simulator title. Steam version released on the 27th of February, 2016 for PC, Mac and Linux.

The description has some joking elements within it such as “It’s a game where you play as a bear and explore stuff” or “Discover secrets but keep them secret ya hear?!” So clearly the developer, Farjay Studios, didn’t take the game that seriously, why are you disappointed by the community backlash? Surely most of these people who helped fund the project via Kickstarter knew exactly what they were buying into, why change it or give into this negativity?

PewDiePie played Bear Simulator… let’s just say he didn’t like it (but likes Goat Simulator and Who’s Your Daddy?, two similarly wacky titles). You can find what PewDiePie had to say about the game in his video description shortly after the video went public.


The developer has posted several updates over on Kickstarter in regards to fixing some of the games problems and future game updates. Yet decides after all the drama they will quit developing the game. Here’s the most recent Kickstarter update:

“Well the game didn’t have a great reception, has a stigma against it’s name and there’s plenty of other problems so making any updates or going further is basically a lost cause now. Plus not skilled enough to make the game better than it currently is or write better updates than previously.

Was really hoping the Steam release would go well but why would it, should have just gave the game to backers and not bother with Steam.

Also don’t want to deal with the drama anymore. Can’t ignore it because that causes more drama and can’t do anything about it because that causes more drama.

It was really fun making the game, trailers, updates, websites, tutorials, blog posts and stuff, hopefully you all liked those things.

Am glad most of you guys are happy with the game though, unless you were just being nice >.> Really must thank you for the in-depth emails and comments, learned lots. Hopefully the game lived up to your expectations and had enough content to explore.

Will make another game update with Kickstarter Island included and some other fixes, leave a comment below of what you really want fixed. Will work on fixes and features until you’re all happy and content then stop.

Must be doing this PC game dev thing wrong because it is way too hard to stay happy and productive.”

Do you think the developer is giving up too easily on Bear Simulator or does it come down to not wanting to be in the spotlight? Let us know what you think in the comments below.

Source: Kickstarter Update, PewDiePie’s YouTube Video

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