Biofeedback Horror Game ‘Nevermind’ Comes to Steam Early Access

Nevermind, Flying Mollusk’s horror game with a biofeedback twist, has been released on Steam Early Access.

In Nevermind, players become “Neuroprobers,” physicians who venture into the minds of trauma victims to help them come to terms with the events that shaped them.  This means experiencing the traumas yourself, and not getting lost in them yourself.  Heady!

Nevermind‘s unique twist stems from its incorporation of biofeedback devices, which monitor heart rate and other variables in the player in order to force players to learn to cope with the stress and anxiety within the game, which could possibly translate into real-world scenarios.  There are a list of supported devices available here, and while they run a pretty broad price range, there are many that can be purchased even with the leanest of wallets.  The game is also playable without the biofeedback device, which promises to be more traditional but equally engaging.

“We’re excited to be able to bring Nevermind’s unique psychological-horror experience to a wider audience through Steam,” said Erin Reynolds, Creative Director of Flying Mollusk. “Early Access allows us to garner feedback from players, in integrate it into the final game, which means a better game for everyone.”

Nevermind is available now on Steam Early Access for $24.99.

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