BioShock Infinite’s Columbia is the Subject of this Educational-Style Video Segment

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Did you ever want BioShock Infinite’s Columbia to be featured in an educational video set in the 80s? Do you want a really good reason to want one now? Well here you go! There may be a test on this later.

In this made-up Truth From Legend segment, narrator Alistar Bloom sheds some light on the backstory of Columbia and Zachary Comstock, as well as tries to unravel the mysteries surrounding the city in the sky by examining several items that seem to have fallen from the city. Those look pretty familiar.

I’m not too big on documentaries and such, but this is one that I would absolutely watch if turned into a full length, hour long show. And is it just me, or was that video informative and creepy? Maybe it was the guy’s voice.

BioShock Infinite has a release date of March 26th.

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