Bioware Montreal Developing Next Mass Effect, Using Frostbite Engine

Yanick Roy, Studio Director over at Bioware Montreal, made a pretty long post over at the Bioware Blog informing people about the next Mass Effect title. For starters, even though a new team is taking the helm, they’ll still be supported by the Edmonton studio, as well as continue to have one Casey Hudson on board as the Executive Producer as they try to make as smooth a transition as possible.

Additionally, the next entry into the series will not be using the Unreal Engine we’ve come to be familiar with, but will instead be powered by Frostbite 2. This change in engine will not only give the title many of the fancy systems that the Dragon Age III team has be creating, but will also help Bioware Montreal take their Mass Effect title in ‘new directions, both on the gameplay and story fronts.’

“You can still expect the pillars the franchise is known for to be fully intact though, including diverse alien races, a huge galaxy to explore, and of course rich, cinematic storytelling,” Yanick says shortly afterward.

Bioware Montreal has previously worked on the Mass Effect series before, from a good chunk of the cinematics from ME2 and several of it’s N7 missions, to the multiplayer of ME3, as well as the upcoming Omega DLC. So I think it’s safe to think that the next Mass Effect title is in good hands.

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