Borderlands 2 Not Coming to PS Vita Any Time Soon

If you are a fan of Borderlands and own a PS Vita, then think of the possibility of being able to play Borderlands 2 on the go. The good news is, you are not alone. Randy Pitchford said at PC and Indie game show, Rezzed, that he agrees. “One of the things I wish Sony would do is get behind Borderlands, because I’d love to see a Vita version of the game.” Promising comments from Mr. Pitchford.

He continues: “I want to be able to have the character I’m working on with my PS3, and then when I’m on the road with my Vita I can just keep developing that same character because it exists on the cloud somewhere. Technologically, that’s possible.”

That sounds even more promising.

Pitchford continued

“Perhaps some of you folks can convince Sony to start that.” Wait, what? “We’re too busy to develop it ourselves. But I know there are a lot of talented developers who could take our code, our source and our content and perhaps create something like that.”

“That would be exciting to me.”

If it’s so exciting, why doesn’t Gearbox get on it? I, for one, would love to be able to play a high quality game like Borderlands 2 on my Vita. What do you think?

(Via GamesRadar)


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