Borderlands 2’s Mechromancer DLC Out a Full Week Early

It’s true, you’re not seeing things, nor are you dreaming, believe me. It would seem that Gearbox got fed up with waiting for next week to release their Mechromancer character for Borderlands 2, so instead they released it today. How about that?

You can check out the character’s skill tree on the Borderlands 2 website, similar to the previous four characters skill trees, and get a glimpse of what skills you’re interested in using.

The Best Friends Forever skill tree is dedicated to giving players a ton of stat boosts in order to give them an easier time on Pandora. Pretty sure my favorite two skills, when it comes to their names, are Potent as a Pony (increases health) and Explosive Clap (your Deathtrap buddy causes explosions).

Meanwhile, the Little Big Trouble skill tree is all about Elemental Damage. Whether it be gaining resistance to a certain element, increasing your chances of dealing that type of elemental damage or simply increasing how much damage those elements deal. This may be the one I stick with.

Finally, with the oxymoronic sounding Ordered Chaos tree, you’ll be getting a lot of boosts to your weapon damage, reload speed and the like, but you’ll be losing out on some other stats as well. For example, the Anarchy skill, which activates when you kill an enemy or completely empty a clip of ammo in a gun, causes your gun damage to increase, but your accuracy drops. Later on, you can get a skill called Blood Soak Shields, which restores part of your shields when you kill an enemy, but you lose a bit of health in the process. Ordered Chaos is a huge give-and-take.

Regardless of what you think of Gaige the Mechromancer’s skills, it’s really nice to see that this DLC got released early. She comes for free if you pre-ordered the game, but will cost you $9.99/800 MS Points otherwise. Which isn’t bad considering how much time you’ll probably invest in the character.

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