Borderlands 2’s Second Headhunter Add-On Has You Hunting a Giant Turkey

The Wattle Gobbler

Gearbox Software has revealed the second headhunter add-on for Borderlands 2, called ‘The Horrible Hunger of the Ravenous Wattle Gobbler.’

The Thanksgiving themed content, due out on November 26th, has Mr. Torgue hosting a competition to hunt down a giant turkey (the Wattle Gobbler) and has hand-picked specific people from all over Pandora to try and take it down.

Vault Hunters will also meet Mr. Torgue’s terrifyingly-buff grandmother, Grandma Flexington, as well as acquire new heads and skins, should they manage to put down the Wattle Gobbler.

The Horrible Hunger of the Ravenous Wattle Gobbler is releasing on Steam, Xbox Live and PSN for $2.99. It releases on PSN in Europe on the 27th for 2,99 €. The third Headhunter add-on, How Marcus Saved Mercenary Day, is set for a December release.

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