Capcom is Celebrating Mega Man’s 30th Anniversary With Mega Man 11

A few years back, Mega Man turned 25, and to celebrate this momentous occasion, well, Capcom did basically nothing. With the exception of a few minor appearances here or there it seemed as if Capcom was ridding itself of the blue bomber. With his 30th anniversary coming up, there was some hope that Capcom would actually do something to commemorate the character, and Capcom has delivered with Mega Man 11 and more.

The biggest piece of news is a whole new Mega Man game. Mega Man 11 will be coming in late 2018, for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch and PC. Little is known about the game, however there is a trailer that they released showing off the new graphical style. Mega Man 9 and 10 had a style that was very much a throwback to Mega Man games of old, and this new game looks as if it’s the proper evolution to the PlayStation classic title Mega Man 8. The graphics in Mega Man 11 have a hand-drawn style to them, and also look to be similar to how Mighty No. 9 looked, the game that tried to be a new Mega Man from Keiji Inafune but fell a bit short.

On top of that piece of news is the release of a number of different Mega Man collections. First of all is that a collection of Mega Man x 1 through 8 is coming out, and it will release on the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch and on PC. This is a collection of course, and not remasters, however the release will likely have plenty of little extras, like art and behind the scenes looks. Capcom also confirmed that Mega Man Legacy Collections 1 and 2 are coming to the Nintendo Switch in 2018, which contains Mega Man 1 through 6 and 7 through 10 respectively. For the Nintendo Switch it was also confirmed that there would be amiibo support, which would be amazing and wallet-slaughtering if they were to release amiibo of the robot masters.

Mega Man is one of the most iconic characters in the video game industry, and it’s nice to see Capcom celebrate him with Mega Man 11 and some new collections. Having a large portion of the Mega Man games on the Nintendo Switch will also be fantastic, and a blast to be able to have them to play anywhere and anytime. Are you a Mega Man fan, are you ready to take on Dr Wiley next year? Let us know in the comments below.

Source: Capcom Press Release

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