Carmageddon: Max Damage Coming to Consoles This Year

Carmageddon: Max Damage

(Carmageddon: Max Damage, Stainless Games)

Carmageddon: Reincarnation was released last year for PC, after a successful Kickstarter campaign back in 2012. Following its release, the team at Stainless Games have announced that Carmageddon: Max Damage will be coming to PlayStation 4 and Xbox One in mid-2016. Those who backed the Carmageddon: Reincarnation Kickstarter at the appropriate tiers, will also receive Carmageddon: Max Damage for free for PC, when it is released.

Carmageddon was particularly noteworthy when it launched in 1997 for the PC because it offered players a very violent car combat game. In addition to being the same kind of destructive as most car combat titles, it was brutal in its depictions of pedestrians being mowed over by vehicles, along with other random cannon fodder. Inspired by Death Race 2000, the cult film’s influence can definitely be felt palpably when playing the original game.

Carmageddon: Max Damage aims to bring back the violence and mayhem that the series is known for, which can be seen in the trailer above. Complete with crazy power-ups, ridiculous car customization, and absurd amounts of pedestrian violence, the game is definitely attempting to bring back the signature Carmageddon flavour.

Carmageddon: Max Damage will be released for PS4 and Xbox One in mid-2016. You can get Carmageddon: Reincarnation on PC now.

Source: Carmageddon: Max Damage Official Site

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