Castle Crashers Gets 50% Off On Steam This Weekend

Castle Crashers Featured Image

The hit video game “Castle Crashers” from developer Behemoth has had a whopping 50% discount slapped onto it over this weekend in celebration of valentines day yesterday.

Originally released on XBLA, Castle Crashers sees you take control of one of four coloured knights and taking on the main campaign of saving numerous princesses and taking down bosses until you unlock other characters and are asked to do the same again!

With bosses made of corn, the ability to play as random characters such as a bear and the opportunity to swap of your sword for powerful weapons such as a lobster (seriously) Castle Crashers is a fantastic title to play a lone or with friends.

The game is currently £4.99, down from £9.99 due to the sale although we suggest that you grab the 4-pack for £14.98 (usually £29.97) so that you can enjoy the game as intended, 4 player co-op. The 4-pack gives you an additional three copies of the game to share with friends.

On top of all of this, DLC is also available for the game in the form of the “Blacksmith Pack” and “Pink Night Pack”, both prices at £0.44 (down from £0.89) which unlocks additional characters, animal-orbs (your sidekicks in the game) and weapons.

Will you be crashing the castle anytime soon?

[Source: Twitter]

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