CD Projekt Says Multiplayer in The Witcher 3 is Not ‘Set in Stone’

Speaking to Rock Paper Shotgun at GDC 2013, CD Projekt RED  discussed the inclusion of multiplayer elements in their upcoming title, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. It appears that the studio is looking into ways to implement the feature, but has yet to come up with anything that would be a good fit.

“That’s something [Adam Badowski, studio manager] mentioned in the context of us always looking at the best ways to make the games we’re currently working on. So multiplayer’s certainly something we’ll investigate, but it’s not currently set in stone for Witcher,”  said Tracy Williams, head of marketing.

“It’s tacked on [in other games], but that won’t be the case here,” added lead gameplay designer, Maciej Szczesnik. “If we decide to have any multiplayer elements, they’ll be tailored to the game. It will be the best possible experience in the single-player experience first.”

Szczesnik went on to state that, at the end of it all, it all really comes down to Geralt and the act of playing as him. When it comes to single player titles, you want to get into that game’s world and experience the story by yourself, at your own pace.

“We’re not trying to have multiplayer just to have it.”

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is set to release next year for PC, PlayStation 4 and other next-gen systems.


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