CD Projekt Red’s Working on The Witcher 3’s XP Glitches

If you’re like most people playing The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, you’ve probably spent an absurd percentage of your life soaking in the sights and slaying some dragons. You might also be wading through the game’s many glitches, the least of which is costing players some serious amounts of XP.

In the past week or so, The Witcher 3‘s latest patch has been reportedly glitching people’s XP gains from side quests. Developer CD Projekt Red says it’s aware of the issue and it says it’s working on a solution.

According to a recent post from community and website coordinator Marcin Momot, the problem appears to be affecting players “across all platforms” – Xbox One, Playstation 4, and PC:

“We would like to let everyone know that we are aware of the XP glitch players are reporting and we are working to have it fixed as soon as possible across all platforms (Monday for PC & patch 1.04 on consoles in the following days).”

For players hoping to regain pocket all their lost XP, that that isn’t going to be an option. “The XP won’t be added back for the finished quests. Sorry about this,” Momot said further.

“At the same time we want to shed some light on the issue,” Momot continues. “First of all, it doesn’t impact the game balance in any significant way. Also, you will be able to finish the game with your character achieving a level within the threshold we had in mind when we designed the game.”

If you’ve been squinting to read the game’s now infamously small text, meanwhile, Momot further confirmed on Twitter that the game’s 1.04 patch will be fixing this problem.

Tell us, how many glitches have you encountered in The Witcher 3 so far? Are you still loving the game as much as most of us are? Let us know in the comments below!


Via CD Projekt Red & @Marcin360 on Twitter

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