Check Out The Unreal 4 Engine In Action

Epic unveiled their new and very pretty tech demo for Unreal Engine 4 yesterday, after Square Enix showed off there Final Fantasy Agni’s Philosophy next gen trailer a couple of days ago. Epic have announced that there are games in development for the Unreal Engine 4 but didn’t mention any titles at this current time.

In the footage shown we see a armoured like figure resting on a throne in a run down church like building. Once the church begins to flow red with lava our mystery figure takes it upon himself to move and escape the burning building. The engine shows off great lighting textures and how light can bounce from one to another seamlessly.

They really do get every weather type involved in this footage. If this video is anything to go by we are in for a promising next gen console cycle with engines like this one.

What do you think Viewers? Did you enjoy the new next gen graphic’s trailer? Or did you find that it’s not as pretty as Square Enix’s Agni’s Philosphy Trailer. Let us know in that comment section below.

(Via Kotaku)

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