Chief Designer Leaves Zynga In Yet Another Blow For The Company

Zynga hasn’t had a lot going for it recently, with many claiming that it is merely re-skinning existing games and not innovating the market place.

As well as this, shares have been consistently low since the company went public and now, on top of all of this, chief game designer Brain Reynolds has left the company after being with them for nearly four years and developing the social game we all know and ‘love’ (well maybe ‘loved’) FarmVille.

Whilst it is not clear why or where Brian Reynolds will be going to in the near future we wish him all the best for the future of his career and can only hope that he and a future team work together to bring us something as addicting as what FarmVille, CityVille and other Zynga titles were.

[Source: Gamespot]

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