Com2us is Breaking Financial Records

Com2us breaks records

Look, this is all your fault. This is also my fault. We bitch and complain about having to pay money for little things in games. Those little things, while fun for a few minutes, ultimately don’t matter. Still, that is a discussion that we will have at length on an upcoming Gaming Historia podcast (cross-promotion at its best, eh?). The key thing here, is we have made Com2us a record-breaking company.

Now, I am not saying that Com2us doesn’t deserve to be where they are right now, they have run brilliant campaigns and released fantastic titles that make the micro-transaction cycle easier to stomach, but we are the ones keeping the micro-transaction free-to-play market attractive. Here is why.

Com2us today released its 2017 Q4 results as well as its annual earnings, reflecting astounding growth in 2017.

For the year of 2017, Com2us posted sales figures of 511.7 billion KRW (approx. $469.4 million USD), making it the second consecutive year of surpassing the 500 billion KRW (approx. $458.7 million USD) mark. A new record in operating profits was also set, at 197.2 billion KRW (approx. $180.9 USD) for the year.

The company’s Q4 also boasted a strong performance, recording 136.3 billion Won (approx. $125 million USD) in sales, with 48.6 billion KRW (approx. $44.5 million USD) in operating profits, and 31.4 billion KRW (approx. $28.8 USD) in net profits. These record-breaking numbers can be attributed to a strong push in the global market. For the ninth consecutive year, overseas sales have surpassed 100 billion KRW (approx. $91.7 million USD), solidifying Com2us’ position as a global company.

For those unfamiliar with Com2us, here are just a few of the titles that have helped them reach these levels; Summoners War: Sky Arena, Golf Star, MLB 9 Innings 17, Majestia, Soccer Spirits, Ace Fishing, Soul Seeker and Wonder Tactics.

The brilliance of the company isn’t necessarily in the quality of the games themselves, though I will say that I have enjoyed a number of their titles, but in the variety of titles they have on offer. If you have a smartphone you have likely already played one of their games. Even if you don’t game on your phone, you have likely seen their adds for Summoners War: Sky Arena.

The game even had a commercial starring Dave Franco and wife Alison Brie.

What are your thoughts on a mobile developer finding this level of success? Are you one of the millions that contributed to their success? Will you continue to do so? Let us know in the comments below!

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