DayZ Mod for Arma 2 becoming Standalone Title

Developer of Arma 2 Bohemia Interactive has announced they are developing the mod to be a standalone game.

“This is the fairy-tale outcome for a mod that many would have said impossible four months ago,” said Dean Hall, creator of the mod. Hall will also be the project lead for development of the game.

Players who are worried about needed to buy another game in order to continue playing the former mod need not fret or the time being, as development for the game will coincide with mod updates, ensuring that players will have a say in to how the game is developed.

The developer has taken in a similar stance towards the game as Mojang did with highly successful indie game Minecraft. Bohemia Interactive will be offering players a discounted alpha version of the game, as well as give players updates as they progress in to a  full release of the game.

(Via TheVerge)

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