Dead By Daylight: The Silent Hill Chapter Revealed

A new killer and survivor available in June

Earlier today, Dead By Daylight revealed its latest DLC project, a release date, and what the characters bring to the table. The trailer we’re covering today reveals Cheryl Mason from Silent Hill 3, and Pyramid Head, from Silent Hill 2. Included as well is the Midwich Elementary School map (from the first Silent Hill game), reimagined for Dead By Daylight.

For those unaware, the game is an asymmetric 4v1 online game where four survivors have to elude a killer and complete map objectives to escape. Each Survivor and Killer has three unique perks to aid them. These Perks can also be unlocked for others through leveling up.

Dead By Daylight

These map objectives are signified as generators, and players must complete five of them and open an exit gate to escape. Killers are to prevent them from escaping through any means necessary.

Survivors can bring an item with them to aid them, with add-ons available for them. Killers, in contrast, each have a character-unique power, with add-ons that strengthen their respective abilities.

Before we get there, though, you can watch the trailer below.

Dead by Daylight | Silent Hill | Official Trailer

About The Characters and Map

Cheryl Mason (known as Heather Mason in Silent Hill 3), is the daughter of Harry Mason after the events of the first Silent Hill game. She has a more prominent role in Silent Hill 3 as the game’s protagonist because an evil cult wants her so she can give birth to a god that will essentially destroy the universe. (We’re not kidding there)

The Pyramid Head is a monster that’s made multiple appearances in the Silent Hill series, most notably Silent Hill 2. His existence is defined purely as a deliverer of punishment and execution towards sinful entities.

Midwich Elementary School is the map that will be added alongside Cheryl and Pyramid Head. Taken from the first Silent Hill game, it’s been reimagined for the Dead By Daylight universe, with lots of little details, nods and easter eggs from its home series. One such example can be seen here (credit: TheButcher in the Dead By Daylight forums).

Cheryl and Pyramid Head’s Perks and Abilities

Cheryl and Pyramid Head each come with three teachable perks unique to them. Reaching level milestones will allow the player to unlock the perks for other characters they own. With that said, let’s go over Cheryl’s perks first.

Cheryl’s perks are as follows:

Pyramid Head is a bit different, though. His character power allows him to use his weapon (called the Great Knife) to hit ranged attacks that cut through certain traversable areas and set trenches that Survivors must navigate around. Upon downing a Survivor, Pyramid Head can send them to a Cage of Atonement, skipping the process of hooking a survivor.

As for perks, his perks are as follows:

These perks, when unlocked as Teachable Perks (at level milestones), can be used by any Survivor (for Cheryl’s) or Killer (for Pyramid Head’s). Another interesting caveat that was added with the Silent Hill chapter’s release is that it’s available right now on Steam’s Public Testing Build.

This means PC players essentially have early access to the DLC characters, and console players have also gotten a release date as well. The Silent Hill DLC will be releasing three weeks from today (approximately June 16th) for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC via Steam, and Nintendo Switch.

Dead By Daylight is available now via PlayStation Store, Xbox Live, Steam, and the Nintendo eShop.

What did you think about the Dead By Daylight Silent Hill DLC? Do you plan on buying it? Are you able to play it right now in the Public Testing Build? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.

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