Destiny 2 Officially Announced

Destiny 2, Activision

Destiny 2 has officially been announced by Bungie today, after the company released some images via their social media outlets. On both their Twitter and Facebook pages, an image of the Last City in flames, with the Traveller above it, and a large Destiny 2 logo appeared. This ties together the official announcement with the leaked posters and box art that appeared last week, showing off a trio of unmasked guardians fighting, as well as the same logo seen on the released image. This then means that more than likely September 8 will be the release date, and that we should be receiving news about a beta in the days to come.

Are the Cabal the focus of Destiny 2? (Destiny, Activision)
Are the Cabal the focus of Destiny 2? (Destiny, Activision)

While little is known in regards to what will be happening in Destiny 2, the key image of the Last City on fire definitely helps build upon the spoilers that appeared in February,when some Mega Bloks sets were leaked on Amazon. Two of the sets are focused on the Cabal, and one in particular, the Cabal Bruiser Battle set is of note. It contains some Cabal as well as Lord Shaxx, who handles the Crucible in the world of Destiny, and the fight scene is said to take place in the Tower Hanger. While nothing has been confirmed, the fact that there has yet to be a Cabal raid, or any heavy story elements that have focused on the Cabal, would lead one to believe that the toy leaks could easily be applied to what was revealed by Bungie today.

Return to the Vault of Glass in the Age of Triumph. (Destiny, Activision)
Return to the Vault of Glass in the Age of Triumph. (Destiny, Activision)

There has been no official date given yet for Destiny 2, but given that Gamestops have received promotional posters, and that Bungie posted this first image, more info should be coming in the next few days. Until then, Destiny players are preparing for the Age of Triumph, the final update for Destiny, which brings all the old raids up to current light levels, and offers new goodies for players to collect. Are you excited for what will be coming in Destiny 2? Are you still raiding and running Trials? Let us know if you think the Cabal leaks are real, or what you would like to see happen in Destiny 2.

Source: Destiny Official Twitter

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