Destiny’s Recast Peter Dinklage With Uncharted’s Nolan North

Destiny‘s the game that just keeps on giving. Its resident ghost, however, has given his last performance.

As it was reported in Game Informer’s September issue, voice actor Nolan North of Uncharted fame will be filling in as the hovering AI. He replaces Game of Thrones‘s Peter Dinklage, whose voice work received much criticism both during and after the game’s alpha and beta tests.

North’s Ghost won’t be that of Dinklage’s, figuratively or literally, however. Instead, North will be voicing another AI helping players on the outer limits of Destiny’s universe in the game’s next expansion.

“It’s interesting, because at one point they find another Ghost that’s been killed,” North mused. “A Ghost is not just something that can be turned back on. It has an idea of ending. It understands mortality. It has a vested interest in helping you succeed.”

The role is apparently one that has the potential down the road, possibly for years, according to North. The thought brings little wonder following Activision’s planned support for Destiny.

“I’m hoping we’re doing this for years,” North went on to say. “If I get a chance to continue with the role, I think we can evolve Ghost as we move forward over the years. In the same way that the player learns about the game and the world, maybe the Ghost grows with them.”

Destiny‘s latest expansion, The Taken King, drops this Sep. 15th in which North will take up the mantle for the first time. The expansion’s also available via a special Playstation 4 bundle emblazoned with the cosmos themselves, we kid you not.


Via Game Informer

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