Disney Dropped Iron Man and Star Wars Games for Disney Infinity


We reported back on 8/9/13 that Disney reported a loss of $58 million due, in part, to its exclusively focusing on its new Skylander type game–Disney Infinity.  Not only did they pass up possible games in two big franchises such as Iron Man and the newly acquired Star Wars franchise but they shelled out a whopping $100 million to produce it.  Disney is hoping the Skylanders magic will rub off on Infinity since the Skylanders franchise has had more than $1.5 million in sales since it launched back in 2011.

Disney’s CEO Robert Iger spoke with the Wall Street Journal and is very enthusiastic about the direction they are going.

“If Infinity does well, it bodes very well for the bottom line of this unit.  If it doesn’t well, the opposite will be the case,” said Iger.

Meanwhile, a former employee called Infinity somewhat of a “Hail Mary with a tremendous amount of pressure to be hit”.  Disney Infinity launches on 8/18/13.

{Source: Joystiq}

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