DOOM Alternate Art Has Been Chosen

Many Doom fans were disappointed when the box art for the game was originally dropped. It looked like the artist really didn’t care and just copied other first-person shooter covers and cashed his paycheck. The studio heard the clamor and posted on Twitter a poll for a different cover, instead of getting this godawful thing for an eternity:


Gamers were allowed to vote on these two covers, each one starkly different from one another:


The fans spoke out on Twitter and the winner was revealed today. The second cover ultimately took the prize and now when players get their physical copy of the game, they can reverse the sleeve to change the cover to the new alternate one.

I’m glad the fans went with this cover, it is somewhat retro and less unholy than the other one. I know that when I get my copy I’ll be switching the older one out for this masterpiece.

Remember that fans who are excited for the game can pre-order it for more content, depending on what platforms they pre-order for. The Xbox One version includes the original two games as pre-order bonuses.

Doom will be released on May 13th for PS4, Xbox One and PC.

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