Dragon Age: Inquisition Receiving a Game of the Year Edition

Dragon Age: Inquisition

Dragon Age: Inquisition has received its fair share of meaty downloadable content since its release last year, so it is no surprise that the critically-acclaimed title will be receiving the Game of the Year treatment. The Bioware-developed RPG will be released again, with all of the story and gameplay DLC that has been released for it.

The most important component of this package is definitely its story content, which will include The Jaws of Hakkon, Trespasser, and The Descent as well as a lot of equipment and weapons. There will also be multiplayer content that includes new playable characters and some dragon fighting. For those who have not played the game yet, this is probably the best way to jump in.

Dragon Age: Inquisition – Game of the Year Edition will be released for PS4, Xbox One, and PC on October 6th, 2015.

Source: Dragon Age YouTube

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