E3 2015: GAEMS – Gaming Experience On-the-Go

It’s all about GAEMS… no, that’s not a typo, it stands for Gaming And Entertainment Mobile Systems. Founded in 2010, GAEMS specializes in bringing a lagless gaming-on-the-go experience like no other.

Fellow Bago Games writer, Chris Newton, and myself had the opportunity to meet with GAEMS and figure out what they have to offer, and were thoroughly impressed.

The booth/demo area itself is easily identifiable by the large black trucks with neon lighting, the beds open with GAEMS’ Vanguard PGE (Personal Gaming Environment) deployed there in every direction. The big trucks, as GAEMS will point out, are quite representative of their products; they’re rugged, ready for adventure and can carry a large load anywhere. But GAEMS is not in the market of truck-making, they’re more about taking everything you need for the ultimate gaming experience and making it portable, with no-lag monitors, premium sound, and protection for your XBOX One or PS4.

3 Products that deserve to be highlighted are below:
The Vanguard and Sentry personal gaming environment
I got hands-on with The Vanguard PGE today and it really felt like I was immersed in the console gaming IMG_3572experience, but I was at E3. The PGE set-up is essentially a suitcase-sized box or briefcase that folds out, housing your console of choice, a monitor built into the top fold, and a space for controllers and other accessories. This setup allows gaming to follow anyone; GAEMS added “A CEO in an airport. A business leader in her hotel room. A pro athlete in the locker room. A soldier getting some down time in Afghanistan. All are ready for the mobility, quality and the virtually lag free competitive advantage of GAEMS.”

M-155 Monitor
This monitor will amaze you by how light-weight it is! I got the chance to see it, hold it, smell it… it was wonderful. It is about 2 lbs, with a 15″ 720p HD LED output. This monitor only requires 1 USB for power, which adds to the ease of a portable gaming experience.

M-240 Monitor
The M-240 is a BEAST… but a very smart and portable beast. The swiveling stand on the back can double as a sturdy handle for carrying your M-240 Monitor from place to place.It features a 24-inch screen with 1080p full HD LED display, two dedicated HDMI inputs and one HDMI output optimized for streaming. It has built-in speakers that give a wonderful dynamic sound. I asked them to really crank it up so I could hear what it was capable of; it seems as though the higher and mid frequencies come in quite crisp, but it was a little lacking on the low-end bass-y sounds. Fortunately, for those who really want to feel that bass, you’ll be able to plug your subwoofer in to the back of the M-240.

All in all, while still somewhat up-and-coming, GAEMS products are a must-have for anyone who is turned on by the idea of a portable console experience, or honestly, anyone simply in the market for their next great new monitor. GAEMS does it all.

Thanks for reading, and find out more on their website at https://gaemspge.com/

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