E3 2016: Batman – The Telltale Series First Screens and Cast Revealed

(Batman - The Telltale Series, Telltale Games)

(Batman - The Telltale Series, Telltale Games)

Telltale is already at E3 2016 and getting ready to talk more about their next adventure game, this time taking place in good ol’ Gotham City. Batman – The Telltale Series has seen its first screenshots revealed, as well as who will be voicing the iconic DC characters. You can check out the screenshots below:

(Batman - The Telltale Series, Telltale Games)

It is no surprise that the game still looks like a Telltale adventure in terms of graphics, but even less surprising is how dark it seems to be. Lots of Bruce Wayne/Batman looking back or just standing menacingly, too. That being said, the art style seems to lend itself well to the comic book series and it seems to be a lot “cleaner” looking than previous Telltale games.

The adventure game company also released information about who will be voicing who, which you can see below:

The cast seems excellent and it’s a no-brainer to put Troy Baker as Bruce Wayne. The last time he was in a Batman video game was Batman: Arkham Origins where he voiced the Joker, which was also an excellent performance. Laura Bailey has also just appeared in Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End as Nadine Ross, which was great work as well.

The game will be available later this summer through retailers as a ‘Season Pass Disc’ (as well as digitally) which will gives access to the five episodes in the series as they become available. Expect to hear more news about the next Telltale adventure as E3 2016 progresses throughout the week.

Source: Telltale Blog

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