E3 2016: Elder Scrolls Online Removing Level Restrictions

Elder Scrolls Online

Bethesda revealed last night at their E3 conference another reason as to why The Elder Scrolls Online is actually worth giving a shot. While the game still requires you to pay a one-time fee to get into the experience, those who get past the tutorial will have the ability to travel anywhere regardless of your level. Instead, levels will scale for players so they do not have to worry about those pesky restrictions. This will be a part of One Tamriel once that rolls out.

BE3 2016 – Looking Back at ESO

The move is one which MMOs haven’t really done before. Usually you can’t access certain areas unless you are the required level because enemies will be too strong and slaughter you. However, One Tamriel offers Elder Scrolls Online players the chance to play with higher level characters and complete the game in whatever sequence they want. Players concerned about their high-level meaning nothing have little to be concerned about as their gear will still be better and they will have more abilities in their arsenal than lower-leveled players.

The Dark Brotherhood DLC was also shown more, which will let players indulge in some sinister and very dark desires. Stay tuned to BagoGames for more coverage of E3, and check out our recap of Bethesda’s conference for more information.

Source: Bethesda E3 Press Conference


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