E3 2016: Fallout 4’s Season Pass Gets More Content

Nuka World Fallout 4

(Fallout 4, Bethesda)

Last night, Bethesda continued to remind us why we fell in love with Fallout 4 to begin with. The game, which has already seen three packs of DLC come its way, has also already seen mods be released on Xbox One with PS4 support soon to come. At their E3 conference last night, Bethesda also gave a glimpse into whats to come from Fallout 4 in the way of DLC. The first of three new packs will arrive next week. You can watch footage above (that also includes Skyrim stuff, sorry, Bethesda doesn’t like cutting things down I guess).

Fallout 4/Fallout Shelter/Skyrim Special Edition: 2016 #BE3 Showcase Presentation

The first pack is entitled Contraptions, and it will allow for the creation of mundane but helpful things such as weapon and armor racks, to the insanely elaborate of creating your own weird factory. This includes tracks, sorting machines, and conveyor belts. It will be available next week.

The second pack is one that I think many people will love: Vault-Tec. With this piece of DLC, you will finally be able to create your own Vault. This seems like more of just a continuation on Fallout Shelter, but in Fallout 4 instead. No complaints there. That will arrive in July, while Nuka World will arrive in August. No news was really given on that final piece of content, but the trailer was a bit comedic while also seeming to imply there might be story stuff involved with it. I would not be surprised to see it become the Far Harbor of this chunk of DLC.

For more on Bethesda’s conference you can find a recap right here, and stay tuned to BagoGames during E3 2016 for more news on your favourite games.

Source: Bethesda E3 Press Conference

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